Sarah’s Story

There are certain people in our lives who transcend description with their overwhelming joy.  Sarah S. Koss was one of these unique people.  She was a social butterfly who approached every day with a childlike wonder, unencumbered by the same prejudices and fears as the rest of us.  When amongst strangers, it often appeared that she knew each of them by name, conversing with the young and the old, the well and the sick, and the rich and the poor without fear, bias, or conceit.  Her strength came without effort or pride; it was simply who Sarah was.

Sarah exuded positivity, whether the days were good or bad, and no matter the challenges that were before her.  She never met a mountain that she couldn’t climb, a marathon that she couldn’t run, or a person that she couldn’t make laugh.  

Even when she twice faced the incredible challenge of brain cancer and the associated treatments, Sarah lived vibrantly.  She continued to run, love, and learn, inspiring all who met her with her dedication to living a full and happy life. Sarah reminded us all how important it is to stop and smell the roses.  In 2016, she succumbed to her illness, dancing and singing to the joyful sounds of music until her final day.

While Sarah’s illness was tragic, it allowed her friends the chance to cherish her life while she was still with us and gave her the opportunity to convey her vision of a foundation that could be established in her name.  Her request was simple: to create a space for children with unique learning styles and needs to thrive and grow.

We have thus created this organization to embrace and carry Sarah’s spirit, her love of children, and her welcoming heart into the future.  As a foundation, we are champions of a vision in which all children have the opportunity to learn in their own unique way.  We ask that you join us and Sarah in our mission to inspire children to be curious through kind, creative, and joyful education programs.

The Board of Directors and Friends of Sarah
For A Good Koss, Inc: The Sarah S. Koss Foundation